About Us


The aim of the school is to be a Christ center Education, It was established in the year 1994 for High School and Higher Secondary in the year 2015. With this aim, the academy imparts sound education by cultivating and practicing the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who is the best Teacher and communicator in the world. He is our role model and the Foundation of our academy of God and men.

The institution caters to the needs of the students both spiritually and academically. One of our dreams is to fulfill the Great Commission set to us by Jesus Christ, with this in mind, Our Bible Camp is conducted every year for students and teachers. Many of them have heard and received Jesus as their personal Savior and have taken water baptism right here on campus.

It is our dream and vision that many more will receive the good news of the gospel from this institution. We also aim to provide good quality education to our students by a committed staff and teachers who are trained for this purpose, who will train them to become great men and women of God in the future and to produce good professional and skillful workers who will make a difference in the society in the days to come. Lastly, our vision is to provide the best education with sound spiritual well-being in favor of God and men.

The Parizeau Maranatha Academy was established by Rev. Athang Tothang and his Mrs. Mariam Touthang, both the strong believer of Christ. The school was functioning with small group of students and then upgraded each year, Since 2015 upgraded to Junior College.

And so the school began with the vision to impart quality education with spiritual and moral principles.

Our Assembly song

God is so good and loving,
He is with me night and day:
Although I cannot see Him,
I talk with Him when I pray

Assembly prayer

O, God! Our loving Father,
We, your children, begin our studies, enlighten our minds, to study the lessons; Strengthen our will to follow discipline, and direct our actions by your holy inspirations. In Jesus’s precious name, we pray Amen.


Prayer before we go home

We give you thanks, Almighty God. For all your benefits which we have received, From your bounty. Dear Lord, we are going home, bless and make us good children. In Jesus’s wonderful name we pray Amen.

Why choose Us?

In Manipur, Kangpokpi we offer to all our students

Qualified teachers

Our teachers have university qualifications bachelor’s and master’s in Arts, sciences, history, pedagogy, and math. Some of them have years of experience in the field and some of them are learning under a qualified teacher.

Equipped classrooms

The school has fully equipped laboratories for each science subject. Physics, chemistry, biology, home science, dictionary, textbooks, reference books, Christian books, etc

Special teachings

We have special guests from overseas visiting every year, and Educational tours outside Manipur/within the state are organized yearly. Bible camp/VBS Youth Camp is conducted every year.

Advanced study plans

From time to time, eminent teachers from abroad in different fields are invited to a teach-in different subjects, so that students may have a better idea For choosing their future careers.

Focus on target

The staff and teachers are trained for the purpose of training students to become great men and women of God in the future and to produce good professional and skillful workers who will make a difference in society in the days to come.

Sports activities

Annual sports are conducted every year and the students are divided into four groups to do different sports activities centered on learning Christian values in the games.

Email Address



Maranatha Campus, Kangpokpi

P.O and P.S- Kangpokpi

Sanapati District

Contact Number

+91 76429 27264

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